Archive for the ‘zuko’ Tag

Toko Anime Music Video

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

Felt like practicing my video editing skills and needed a multimedia project for SDSS Art, so I made a Toko/Zoph (Toph x Zuko) AMV (anime music video) to Lights’ ‘Quiet’. She rocks, and the song is a different take on the shipping from the other hard rock/metal/dark-pop Toko AMVs. Of course I ship Toko as both couples and just friends, although the Toko community is pretty small but strong so its surprisingly easy to find fellow shippers ^_^’ – enjoy! 🙂 Had some cropping problems and the quality is on the shabbier side in some cuts, but I’m really happy with how it turned out! Was hard to find good scenes, non-canon couples are so hard to ship -_-